Training Services

Most of the products New Harmony offers to our clients could be new solutions introduced to client employees. As a result, we bring the experts from our principal partners to give technical training on the machines and equipment to the client organization’s staff. These are short term, hands-on skill and knowledge transfer training sessions. The training sessions are specialized to and focused on the specific product being introduced to the organization. Once the product is successfully introduced to the organization, the training may not be needed since the knowledge is transferred to the employees.

Based on your needs, we can also facilitate customized, cost-effectivetraining solutions that can be delivered to:

  • Enhance overall employee skills
  • Allow employee specialize in a specific skill
  • Increase productivity
  • Acquire efficiency
  • Increase product quality
  • Learn how to streamline factory operations and reduce production costs

The New Harmony Choice

New Harmony prides itself for providing its unique service only a few companies can provide in Ethiopia. What makes us different from our competitors is – we blend years of experience, specialization, and expertise in the industry.The company founder is a sugar technologist who worked in the industry for over 30 years. He assembled a team of experts with intimate knowledge of the sectors the company is focused on, giving New Harmony significant edge over local competitors. This is the value we bring to the table to the two types of customers we serve. Our two types of customers are:

Whether you are a company that would like a professional representation in Ethiopia or an end-user client in need of quality products and services, we would love to hear from you. We welcome you to join us in bringing practical and innovative solutions to the Ethiopian market.

Our End User Clients benefit from:

  • Our years of experience in the industries we are involved in,
  • Highly trained and professional staff catering to your needs,
  • Avery deep pool of experts we draw from our principal partners with world-class reputation to solve your problems,
  • High quality, innovative, reliable, international standard products proven globally,
  • Consultation services  on production enhancement, expansion, quality improvement, new technology introduction, projects,etc.,
  • Training services of staff on new technology in the industry, and
  • Many more.

Our Principal Partners benefit from:

  • Our years of experience and knowledge in the industries we are involved at a local level,
  • Irreplaceable access to and relationships with major players in the sugar, agriculture, and irrigation sector in Ethiopia,
  • Dealing with a Well-establishedorganization
  • Highly trained and disciplined professional staff focused on results, and Many more.

The New Harmony Effect

From its inception, New Harmony aimed to make a positive impact in the sugar and agricultural irrigation sectors. Due to the founder’s educational background specializing in sugar technology and long years of experience in the industry, the company understood the needs and capacity of the factories and cane plantations operating in the country. As a result, the company was focused on introducing new technology and methodologies to its clients to help them optimize their production, streamline processes, achieve efficiencies, and save on their operations costs. Armed with innovative, technologically advanced products and access to experts with global experience it leverages through its partners, New Harmony made great strides in helping our clients achieve their goals. 
New Harmony’s unique approach to service rendering and support led us to winning several bids that gave us the opportunity to build lasting relationships in both ends of the spectrum. Currently, we are supplying various machineries, equipment and parts to most of the major sugar factories in Ethiopia. The products we are supplying have helped the industry improve their production. With the number of sugar factories increasing in Ethiopia by leaps and bounds, we expect to increase our market share accordingly. 

We take pride in the new products we introduced to Ethiopia’s sugar and irrigation industry such as Flexiflumes that have greatly enhanced the capacity of sugar factories such as Tendaho, Metahara, kesem, Beles, Kuraz and Wonji Shoa. New Harmony takes full advantage of the edge it gains from representing internationally respected companies in the sector with exceptional products and services.

It truly is an exciting time for companies involved in the Ethiopian marketas the economy expands and demand rises. The sugar industry alone has number of factories coming online. Here at
 New Harmony, we feel our journey has just begun.

We invite any company that is looking for a lasting successful relationship to join us in this exciting journey.